28 Mar 2022

Workshop related to the SIAHDPC project

Happening! 5 day workshop related to the SIAHDPC project is taking place in Prishtina, specifically at the premises of Heimerer College and the Institute of Southeast Europe for Health and Social Policy.  The core theme of this workshop will be the Work Package 3 and its main activities and deliverables focusing strictly on the aspect of providing the teacher’s training on pedagogical approaches based on digital technologies.

Main goals and objectives of this workshop will be to further develop competences for teachers in integrating digitization and EE into curricula and classroom. Moreover, it will further examine the existing capacities on tools and knowledge to implement digitization processes & technologies into the future.

This workshop aims to help local members of the consortium:

  • To learn that implementation from technologies are also a step by step process;
  • Help teachers develop ideas themselves how curricular implementation can be done;
  • Developing towards a digital clinic with simulation practice using technologies (WP 3.4); and
  • Connect WP3 and WP4.

It is important to emphasize that the Institute of Southeast Europe is key partner in this project.